Monday, August 26, 2013

Chicken Curry: Gluten Free with Garden-fresh Basil

The very first dinners I ever cooked DaveBee in college was tilapia fish and vegetables in a curry sauce with rice and garnished with avocado and orange slices. 

It was the first time I had cooked curry-anything.

It was one of those moments in my life where the planets aligned where the meal was smashing and I may have won over the love of my life!

Since then, he and I have consumed much curry and coconut milk together.  In fact, it usually makes its way into a weekly dinner as the days start to get shorter and cooler.

Here is the SUPER easy recipe I made recently to clean up some thai basil from the garden.

Chicken Curry: Gluten Free and Garden-Fresh Basil

This mild version is kiddo and toddler approved!

3 Chicken breasts (about 1 breast per person)
Curry powder (see label for amount as they vary)
Lots of Stir fry vegetables
1 Can Coconut Milk
Handful of fresh thai basil

Pan cook chicken breasts dusting each side of chicken with curry powder as you turn it.  Cook slow and low. When chicken is about 5 minutes out, simultaneously, saute the stir fry vegetables and a few sprigs of basil in some olive oil on high heat AND bring coconut milk with more curry powder to a simmer in a saucepan. 

Add curry coconut milk to vegetables and add some more fresh basil as the two pans of ingredients marry. Slice up chicken and add to the vegetables as well.  Serve!

This is fantastic over rice as well. We have gotten many kinds of curry powders and pastes but if you are a beginner try any of the Thai Kitchen pastes!

Serves 2 adults and 2 kiddos

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