Monday, June 10, 2013

Hippie Goulash: AKA Easiest Damn Dinner

So, this may be the only recipe post where I don't actually add a picture of the food.  Don't fret, I will show you a picture of my husband and generally what he looks like when he loves an easy and delicious dinner.

Back to the dinner. It is just not as pretty as it is delicious!  And, it is delicious.  I googled the meaning of goulash since my husband named the dish "hippie goulash" after something that he and his college roommates used to make. The definition states that it is a Hungarian stew with meat and vegetables and paprika.

My recipe has meat and vegetables... and that is where the similarities end!  It also includes curried rice and, our family favorite, butter. Oh, did I mention it is crazy-easy?!!

Here is the recipe {gluten-free, of course}:

Hippie Goulash

1 package Biryani curried rice (Trader Joe's... they are not paying me, I swear...maybe they should!)
1 pound ground meat (we have used beef mostly lately as a carry-over from needing more iron during pregnancy)
1 package frozen vegetables or 10-16 ounces fresh vegetables (we add a lot since it is a good way to keep introducing vegetables to the kids!)
2 tablespoons butter

In a large frying pan, cook your meat.  When the meat is about three-quarters of the way done, drain the fat and add 2 tablespoons butter (it's all about the flavor!).  Add the whole bag of curried rice and vegetables.  Turn the heat up as if you were quickly stir-frying and keep it moving with a spoon.  In about 5-7 minutes your dinner is ready to serve. 

Even The Bird loves it as long as all the food is small enough to eat when you just have 6 teeth!

As promised: he loves it!

For the record, I believe my husband's college goulash was any and all leftovers thrown in a bowl and heated up.  I never had the pleasure of trying the delicacy!

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